Sunday, May 27, 2012

Fishing Villages and Ski Resorts on Today's Ride

Our 54-mile route today began with a 27-mile ride along the Sea of Japan. We went through a number of fishing villages and towns, as well as considerable stretches on an excellent, well-maintained bike path.

Our route then turned inland, beginning our 6-day crossing of the island of Honshu to reach Tokyo. Almost immediately, we began our ascent into the Japanese Alps, a mountain range that occupies a substantial portion of central Honshu. The highest peaks are above 10,000 feet, one of which is an active volcano near our route that erupted most recently in 1980. We saw numerous snow-covered peaks as we cycled, and even biked right by some patches of snow when we hit our day's high point of 2000 feet.

The endpoint of our ride today was the town of Iiyama, which is 20 miles from Nagano, the site of the 1998 winter Olympics. There are 4 ski mountains in Iiyama, and many more ski resorts nearby.

Biking along the sea

Interesting mix of the old Japan (a shrine) & the new Japan (a cellphone tower) on this small island

A terrific bike path along the coast

Cycling along the coastal bike path

Cycling through a fishing village

Fishing boats and gear

Roadside stall selling large crabs

Cycling in the Japanese Alps

Ascending further into the Alps

Patches of snow (partly covered by dirt) by the roadside near the high point of our ride today