Sunday, May 6, 2012

A Kamikaze Experience

Our ride on Saturday was very challenging -- very hilly and into a strong wind -- but full of great views of mountains and coastline. It consisted to two cycling parts separated by an hour-long ferry ride. There were interesting mountain shapes, most notably the volcano Mount Kaimon. Mount Kaimon, 300 feet high, looks like the way a young kid draws a mountain: straight sides rising up to a sharp point, jutting out of a plain with no adjacent mountains.

The endpoint of our ride was Tomiya Ryokan in the town of Chiran. During World War II, this ryokan was a restaurant that served final meals to kamikaze pilots before their suicide missions. Because of this, the town is the site of the Chiran Peace Museum for Kamikaze Pilots.

At a lookout point on the coast

View from the lookout

Cycling along the coast

The ferry we took

Approaching Mount Kaimon

Tomiya Ryokan

At the entrance to Tomiya Ryokan

Mural outside Tomiya Ryokan, depicting kamikaze pilots flying by Mount Kaimon

Our chairless, bedless room in the ryokan
Breakfast in the ryokan: rice, soup, dried fish, raw egg, and assorted other items. A meal getting us ready to embark on our mission for the day.